100 Bottles Of Milk

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100 Bottles Of Milk

100 bottles of milk on the wall,
100 bottles of milk;
If one of those bottles should happen to fall. .
99 bottles of milk on the wall!

99 bottles of milk on the wall,
99 bottles of milk;
If one of those bottles should happen to fall. .
98 bottles of milk on the wall!

98 bottles of milk on the wall,
98 bottles of milk;
If one of those bottles should happen to fall. .
97 bottles of milk on the wall!

97 bottles of milk on the wall,
97 bottles of milk;
If one of those bottles should happen to fall. .
96 bottles of milk on the wall!

96 bottles of milk on the wall,
96 bottles of milk;
If one of those bottles should happen to fall. .
95 bottles of milk on the wall!

95 bottles of milk on the wall,
95 bottles of milk;
If one of those bottles should happen to fall. .
94 bottles of milk on the wall!

94 bottles of milk on the wall,
94 bottles of milk;
If one of those bottles should happen to fall. .
93 bottles of milk on the wall!

93 bottles of milk on the wall,
93 bottles of milk;
If one of those bottles should happen to fall. .
92 bottles of milk on the wall!

92 bottles of milk on the wall,
92 bottles of milk;
If one of those bottles should happen to fall. .
91 bottles of milk on the wall!

91 bottles of milk on the wall,
91 bottles of milk;
If one of those bottles should happen to fall. .
90 bottles of milk on the wall!

and so forth. .. ..

Information About 100 Bottles Of Milk

100 Bottles of Milk is a great song for your children to sing if they are learning how to count. It is going to be very easy for your children to learn this song because it is going to repeat most of the lyrics over and over again. Your children are also going to learn how to subtract while they are singing this song. This is because each time that the lyrics are repeated then the child is going to be subtracting one of the 100 bottles of milk from the song until they get to no bottles at all.

The children are going to have a lot of fun singing the song because they are going to be annoying people while they are singing it. This is because they are going to forgot what number that they were on, so they are probably going to start over with 100 bottles of milk again. It might seem like this song is never going to end once your child has started singing it. This is why a lot of parents will choose to let their children sing this song when they are going to be traveling a very long distance trip.

This song started off as a very different type of song, instead of a nursery rhyme it was a folk song called 99 Bottles of Beer. People first started singing it in the middle of the 20th century and it is believed to be written by Donald Byrd. I was changed later on so it would be more suitable for children especially if the children are going to be singing 100 bottles of milk while they are in a church setting. Most of the time, it is going to take a child about 30 minutes to sing this long song.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. 100 Bottles Of Milk



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