3 Jolly Fishermen

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3 Jolly Fishermen

There were three jolly fishermen,
There were three jolly fishermen,
Fisher, fisher, MEN, MEN, MEN.
Fisher, fisher, MEN, MEN, MEN.
There were three jolly fishermen.

The first one's name was Abraham,
The first one's name was Abraham,
Abra, Abra; ham ham, ham,.

The second one's name was I-I-saac,
The second one's name was I-I-saac,
I-I, I-I- zak, zak, zak,.

The third one's name was Ja-a-cob,
The third one's name was Ja-a-cob,
Ja-a, Ja-a; cub, cub, cub,.

They all went down to Jericho,
They all went down to Jericho,
Jer-i, Jer-i; cho, cho, cho,.

They should have gone to Amsterdam,
They should have gone to Amsterdam,
Amster, Amster, Shh! Shh! Shh!,.

Information About 3 Jolly Fishermen

3 Jolly fishermen is a song that is very popular song for the Boy Scouts to sing. It is one of the most traditional folklore songs that everyone has heard of at some point in their life especially if they lived in a religious home. This is because it is a common song that the children are going to sing while they are at church. The whole song is about the three famous fisherman from the Bible that were named Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It talks about the journey that they had traveling to Jericho instead of going to Amsterdam.

Once the children have learned the main parts of the story, you can get out your Bible, and tell your children about the story as you read the bible verses to them. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were known as patriarchs in the Bible. This means that they were suppose to be the foundation to the people to help them to carry out God's plan. In Genesis 26 and 30, you can talk about some of the blessings that happened in Isaac and Jacob's life with your children. This will be because of the altars that they built in Genesis 26.

The biggest thing that you are going to want to talk with your children about is Jacob's dream. This dream helped renew faith in God because he dreamed that there was a ladder that he could take right up to heaven. All of the blessings that happen to these men when they were living in Israel. Isaac is best known for the crops that he planted and the Lord truly blessed with for years and years. Therefore, he always had plenty of crops throughout the years so he never worried about not having food to feed the 3 jolly fishermen.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

This alternative verse might get you in trouble

You mustn't say that naughty word,
You mustn't say that naughty word!
Naughy naughty, word word word!

I'm gonna say it anyway,
I'm gonna say it anyway,
Amster, Amster, DAM DAM DAM!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. 3 Jolly Fishermen



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