5 Pennies

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5 Pennies

I have 5 pennies
5 pennies under my bed one rolled on the floor
And then there were 4 little pennies over by the tree,
A frog came and got one and now there were three.
Three little pennies under my shoe
Along came an ant and now there are two.
Two little pennies laying under the sun,
Soon came a caterpillar
Who put it on his back and then there was one.
One little penny who was all alone,
Rolled along until he found his home.

Information About 5 Pennies

5 Pennies was written by Danye Kaye and was based on the hit movie that he played in 1959. This is a great counting game because you can give your child five little pennies and let them count them as you are giving them the pennies. The child is going to used the first one of their pennies to make a wish on so that all of these wishes will come true. The second one of their pennies is going to the one that the child is going to be able to dream on so they will always have the best of dreams while the child is asleep during the night.

The third one of the 5 pennies is going to be the dancing penny. This is going to be great if you have a little dancer as your child. This is probably going to be their favorite penny if the child likes to dance. The fourth one of these pennies is going to be the penny that they are going to want to laugh with. This means that it is going to help to take away all of the tears from the child. Therefore, the child is never going to have anything to cry about while they are young and so innocent.

The last one of the 5 pennies is going to be one of the most important pennies of all. This is because this is going to be the loving penny. The child is going to know that they are always loved no matter what happens in their life. Even though, the child is only going to have five pennies, they are going to feel like a millionaire. Therefore, when you are singing this song to your child, they are going to feel a lot better about themselves.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. 5 Pennies



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