Andy Milonakis

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Andy Milonakis

I rock peas on my head but don't call me a pea head.
Beas on my head but don't call me a bee head.
Bruce Lee's on my head but don't call me a Lee head.
Now please excuse me, I gots to get my tree fed.
You wear name brands and I make my own clothing.
I hang out with an apple who loves self-loathing.
"I hate myself".

Pancake on my face makes me extra happy.
I like shampoo bottles that sit on my lappy.
Cause it's my show you can't tell me what to do.
When life hands me lemons I make beef stew.

So yo I gotta go, it's time for me to rock it.
I put baloney in my left pocket.
Smear some cream cheese in my gold locket.
Cause it's my show I'm Andy Milonakis.
It's my show I'm Shmandy Shmila-Shmakis.
It's my show I'm Andy Milonakis.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Andy Milonakis

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