Bedbug Song

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Bedbug Song

Woke up this morning,
Looked upon the wall
'Skeeter' and the bedbug
Having a game of ball
Score was one to nothin'
The Skeeter was ahead
Bedbug knocked a homerun
And I rolled out of bed.

Ain't gonna rain
Ain't gonna rain
Ain't gonna rain no more
How in the world can the old folks tell?
It ain't gonna rain no more
How in the heck
Can I wash my neck,
If it ain't gonna rain no more?

Bullfrog sitting on a lilly pad,
Looked up in the sky
The lilly pad broke,
The frog fell in
Got water in his eyes.

I wished I was a bar of soap
In Mary's bathtub
EVERYTIME Mary took a bath -
O where I'd get to rub!

Ain't gonna rain
Ain't gonna rain
Ain't gonna rain no more
How in the world can the old folks tell?
It ain't gonna rain no more
How in the heck
can I wash my neck,
If it ain't gonna rain no more?

Information About Bedbug Song

The song was popular amongst the residents of Beech Bluff, Tennessee between 1920 to 30, as recalled by Franklin Mainord. The song is recorded by Judy Mainord-Malone.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Bedbug Song

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