Bobby Shaftoe

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Bobby Shaftoe

Bobby Shaftoe went to sea,
Silver buckles on his knee.
He'll come back and marry me,
Pretty Bobby Shaftoe.

Bobby Shaftoe's fine and fair,
Combing down his auburn hair.
He's my friend for evermore,
Pretty Bobby Shaftoe.

Information About Bobby Shaftoe

"Bobby Shaftoe"also known as "Bobby Shafto's Gone to Sea" or "Bobby Shafto" is an English folk song and nursery rhyme, first published in 1805.

"Bobby Shaftoe" is believed to be based on Robert Shafto (or Shaftoe) who was an 18th Century British Member of Parliament. Robert Shafto would often register as a candidate by using his nickname Bonny Bobby Shafto.

The song supposedly tells the story of how Bobby Shafto broke the heart of Bridget Belasyse by marriying Anne Duncombe instead.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

For those who prefer yellow hair sing this version

Bobby Shaftoe went to sea,
Silver buckles on his knee.
He'll come back and marry me,
Pretty Bobby Shaftoe.

Bobby Shaftoe's fine and fair,
Combing down his yellow hair.
He's my friend for evermore,
Bonnie Bobby Shaftoe.

The last line is a bit different here

Bobby Shafto went to sea, silver buckles on his knee,
He’ll come back and marry me, Bonny Bobby Shafto

Bobby Shafto’s bright and fair, Combing down his yellow hair;
He’s my love for evermore, Bonny Bobby Shafto

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