Boris Boris

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Boris Boris

Boris, Boris Boris was a gentleman In the Tsar's regime; Boris was a gentleman Or so it did seem. Boris had a lady fair Her name it was Loween And ev'ry night she'd wake in fright And this is what she'd scream: cho: Boris, Boris, save me, save me From the Cossacks at my heels (hey! hey! hey!) Boris, Boris, save me, save me There are only three more reels. Boris rode upon a horse Sagging in the middle Boris rode upon a horse, Playing on a fiddle. It was Boris, not the horse Sagging in the middle; It was the horse, not Boris Playing on the fiddle. Boris had an accident, it wasn't all his fault Boris sneezed and, what you think? The horse he caught a colt. Boris, in Siberia, A bushy beard did grow And when he died, he willed this beard To Miss Loween to go. And ev'ry night she wakes in fright And murmurs 'neath her breath "Boris, Boris, "You're tickling me to death".

Information About Boris Boris

Learned from a "heroic monotone" named Alan Shulman ca. 1953.

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