Cincinnati Dancing Pig

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Cincinnati Dancing Pig

Cincinnati dancing pig
He's the barnyard mister big
Cincinnati dancing pig
with his riggedy, jiggedy, jiggedy, jiggedy jig-a-jig-jig!

Children yell and clap and sing
When he does his buck and wing,
Cincinnati dancing pig
with his riggedy, jiggedy, jiggedy, jiggedy jig-a-jig-jig!

Dancing bears and kangaroos
have a lot on the ball,
but until you dig that remarkable pig
You ain't seen nothin' at all!

From Duluth to Birmingham
He's the pork chop Dapper Dan,
He's the keenest ham what am,
Cincinnati dancing pig
with his riggedy jiggedy jig-jig-jig!

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  2. Cincinnati Dancing Pig

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