Counting Piggy Tails

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Counting Piggy Tails

On the farm, I can see
Momma piggy and her new babies
All snuggled up, ready to sleep
How many babies can you see?

Let's count the piggy tails:
One, two. .
. .Ten baby tails
And momma's tail makes eleven.

On the farm, I can see
Momma piggy and her new babies
All snuggled up, ready to sleep
How many babies can you see?

Let's count the piggy noses
One, two. .
. .Ten baby noses
And momma's nose makes eleven.

Ten little baby pigs
All snuggled up, ready to sleep
Ten little baby pigs
Oh, so sweet
Oh, so sweet.

Information About Counting Piggy Tails

Written by Jack Hartmann. Copyright © Jack Hartmann.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Counting Piggy Tails

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