Croodlin Doo

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Croodlin Doo

Ho, pretty bee, did you see my croodlin' doo?
Ho, little lamb, is she junkin' on the lea?
Ho, bonnie fairy, bring my dearie back to me--
Got a lump o' sugar an' a posie for you,
Only bring me back my wee, wee croodlin' doo!

Why! here you are, my little croodlin' doo!
Looked in er cradle, but didn't find you there--
Looked f'r my wee, wee croodlin' doo ever'where;
Be'n kind lonesome all er day withouten you--
Where you be'n, my teeny, wee, wee croodlin' doo?

Now you go balow, my little croodlin' doo;
Now you go rockaby ever so far,--
Rockaby, rockaby up to the star
That's winkin' an' blinkin' an' singin' to you,
As you go balow, my wee, wee croodlin' doo!

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  2. Croodlin Doo

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