Dinner Table Rhymes

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Dinner Table Rhymes

Please, lord, send summat good to eat:
Not rusty bacon or fatty meat
Or t'wife's sad buns from floppy barm-
Keep me from all digestive harm.

Little Popsie-Wopsie
Chickabidee chum,
She shall have a piesie-wysie
And a sugar plum.

She shall ridie pie-die
In a coachie-woachie too,
All round the parkie-warkie
With her cock-a-doodle-doo.

Here's good bread and cheese and porter,
Here's good bread and cheese and porter,
You all may sing a better song
But you cannot sing a shorter!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Dinner Table Rhymes



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