Donkey Riding

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Donkey Riding

Were you ever in Quebec
Stowing cargo on the deck
There's the king with a golden crown
Riding on a donkey

Hey, ho, away we go
Donkey riding, donkey riding
Hey, ho, away we go
Riding on a donkey

Were you ever in Cape Horn
Where it's always fine and warm
And seen the lion and unicorn
Riding on a donkey

Hey, ho, away we go
Donkey riding, donkey riding
Hey, ho, away we go
Riding on a donkey

Were you ever in Cardiff Bay
Where the folks all shout, “Hurray!”
Here comes John with three years' pay
Riding on a donkey

Hey, ho, away we go
Donkey riding, donkey riding
Hey, ho, away we go
Riding on a donkey

Were you ever in Quebec
Stowing cargo on the deck
There's the king with a golden crown
Riding on a donkey

Hey, ho, away we go
Donkey riding, donkey riding
Hey, ho, away we go
Riding on a donkey

Hey, ho, away we go
Riding on a donkey

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  2. Donkey Riding

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