Don't Be Afraid

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Don't Be Afraid

Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider, and sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away. Don't be afraid of the night. Soon it will turn to light.

Things that can shake you, never can take you farther than you can be found. Even when sleep-ing, someone is watching, and listening for ev-'ry sound. So, don't be afraid of the night. Soon it will turn to light.

Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider, and sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away.

There's nothing to dread under your bed. Shadows can dim what is real Don't fear what might be; even what will be. Your life is more than revealed. So, don't be afraid of the night. Soon it will turn to light.

Information About Don't Be Afraid

An adaption of Little Miss Muffett by Philip Wade.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Don't Be Afraid

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