El Ratoncito

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El Ratoncito

There comes a little mouse,
Eating his cheese.
He finds a little path,
And comes out the hole.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

This is the Swiss Cheese version

There comes a little mouse,
Eating his cheese.
He finds a little path,
And comes out the hole.

There is some cheese full of holes, and the little mouse likes that.
Swiss cheese is full of holes.

Here's the Spanish version of the song

Allí viene un ratoncito
Comiendo su quesito.
Se encontró con un caminito
Y llegó al agujerito.

Hay un queso con agujeros y al raton,
le gusta mucho ese queso. Está lleno de agujeritos el queso swiss.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. El Ratoncito



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