Eye To Eye

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Eye To Eye

I got myself a notion
One I know that you'll understand
To set the world in motion
By reaching out for each other's hand
Maybe we'll discover what we should have known all along
One way or another together's where we both belong.

If we listen to each other's heart
We'll find we're never too far apart
And maybe love is the reason why
For the first time ever we're seeing it eye to eye.

If a wall should come between us
To high to climb, to hard to break through
I know that love will lead us
And find a way to bring me to you
So don't be in a hurry. Think before you count us out.
You don't have to worry, I won't ever let you drown.

If we listen to each other's heart
We'll find we're never too far apart
And maybe love is the reason why
For the first time ever we're seeing it eye to eye.

If you're ever lonely, stop. You don't have to be
After all is stolen, I'll beat a way from you to me.

If we listen to each other's heart
We'll find we're never too far apart
And maybe love is the reason why
For the first time ever we're seeing it eye to eye.

If you're ever lonely, stop. You don't have to be
After all is stolen, I'll beat a way from you to me.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Eye To Eye



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