Faces Faces Funny Faces

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Faces Faces Funny Faces

Faces, faces, funny faces
You make such a funny sight!
Pumpkins glowing in the night (Echo: with jingle bells).
Witches running, all in fright (Echo: with wooden block).
Ghosts flickering in the sky (Echo: tambourine)
Goblins making a pumpkin pie! (Echo: maracas or rattles).
Owls hooting, what a scare!
Who oo----, Whoo-oo-oo,.

Coyotes howling, tigers growling,
Cats a-prancing, Devils dancing,
Never can you tell what's behind those faces,
On Halloween night!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Faces Faces Funny Faces



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