Five Little Monkeys At The Zoo

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Song Video


Five Little Monkeys At The Zoo

There was one little monkey at the zoo
There was one little monkey at the zoo
She was dancing all around,
And she was crawling on the ground
There was one little monkey at the zoo.

There were two little monkeys at the zoo
There were two little monkeys at the zoo
They were swinging from the trees
And they were swatting at the flees
There were two little monkey at the zoo.

There were three little monkeys at the zoo
There were three little monkeys at the zoo
They were jumping up and down
And they were running all around
There were three little monkeys at the zoo.

There were four little monkeys at the zoo
There were four little monkeys at the zoo
They were scritchin' and a scratchin'
And on their heads they were a tappin'
There were four little monkeys at the zoo.

There were five little monkeys at the zoo
There were four little monkeys at the zoo
They were spinning like a top
And then they'd sit right down and stop
Cause there were four little monkeys at the zoo.

Information About Five Little Monkeys At The Zoo

Video by Russ Clayton. Used with permission.

This song is an interpretation of the classic song "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed", which we also feature on the BusSongs website. Enjoy!

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Five Little Monkeys At The Zoo

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