Found A Peanut Parody

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Found A Peanut Parody

Louie Louie, oooh baby
Let that peanut go
Ugh! Yeah Yeah Yeah
(repeat 2x).

Found a peanut, just today
Saw it on the sidewalk, oh and hey
Cracked it open, it was rotten to the core
Ate it anyway 'cause I was bored!


So I died right there, like a headless hen
I was taken to the grave, but just right then
They didn't want me to be dead
So they dug me up again instead!


But the peanut was still inside
Took my stomach on a wild ride
So I stuck my hand in my throat
And out came the peanut, oh how it did float!

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  2. Found A Peanut Parody

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