Ghost and Goblins

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Ghost and Goblins

When ghost and goblins come to town
and the skeletons all dance around
Just pull those covers over your head and then. .

When ghost and goblins come to town
and the skeletons all dance around
just pull those covers over your head and then.

Information About Ghost and Goblins

When you sing this song, your waving your arms side to side bringing them up until you sing town.

Then the second line you have your arms are above your head and you wiggle your fingers as your turn in a complete circle as your singing skeletons all dance around.

Then you pretend your covering your head as you sing the third line lowering your body into almost a squating position singing from loud to soft (repeat dance with verses).

Then when you get to the end of the last verse you jump up and yell "Watch out".

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Ghost and Goblins

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