Gladys Where Are You Going?

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Gladys Where Are You Going?

Gladys, where are you going?
Upstairs to take a bath.
Gladys, with legs like toothpicks
And a neck like a giraffe. affe. .affe. .affe. .affe. .affe. .affe. .affe
Gladys stepped in the bathtub.
Slipped on a bar of soap.
Well, well, bless my soul. .
There goes Gladys down the hole. .

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

Gladys does not slip on a bar of soap in this version

Gladys, where are you going?
Upstairs to take a bath.
Gladys, with legs like toothpicks
and a neck like a gir rafe rafe rafe rafe.
Glayds, stepped into the bathtub. .
pulled out the plug.
Oh my goodness, oh my soul,
there goes Gladys down the hole. .
Glub Glub Glub Glub.

Instead of Gladys you can use Alice

Alice, where are you going?
Upstairs to take a bath.
Alice, with legs like toothpicks
A neck like a giraffe.

Alice jumped in the bathtub.
Alice pulled out the plug.
Oh my goodness, bless my soul. .
There goes Alice down the hole. .
Glug, glug, glug!

Another one with Alice

Alice, Where art thou going?
Upstairs to take a bath?
Her form is like a toothpick
And her head is like a tack.

She stepped into the bath tub
And slipped on a piece of soap.

Oh, my goodness, gracious soul
There goes Alice down the hole!

Alice? Where art thou going?

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Gladys Where Are You Going?

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