Grizzly Adams TV Theme

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Song Video


Grizzly Adams TV Theme

Deep inside the forest is a door into another land, here is our life and home.
We are staying here forever in the beauty of this place all alone.
We keep on hoping that maybe there's a world where we won't have to run,
and maybe there's a time to call our own, living free and harmony and majesty.
Take me home, take me home".

Information About Grizzly Adams TV Theme

This was the theme tune played at the end of the Grizzly Adams TV show. The song known as "Maybe" was written and performed by American songwriter Thom Pace.

The song was originally intended to be used for a film called "The Snow Tigers" and was at first a medley called "Wear The Sun In Your Heart/Maybe"; however, instead it became the theme song of both the film and TV series, "The Life And Times Of Grizzly Adams".

This song has been printed from the website.

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