Harry McCool and the Komedy Kops

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Harry McCool and the Komedy Kops

Now Number 1 thinks me the fool,
Has no respect for the name McCool,
But in the days by right up the top,
There was Harry McCool, he was my pop!
Ho-hum, my pop the cop...
An alternate version:
Things looked so good, but not for long,
I tried and tried, but it all went wrong!
I hope one day I'll stop being a flop.
And that I'll make the top-just like my pop!
Ho-hum, my pop the cop...

Information About Harry McCool and the Komedy Kops

Also known as "(Ho-Hum) My Pop The Cop".

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Harry McCool and the Komedy Kops



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