Has Anybody Seen My Mouse?

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Has Anybody Seen My Mouse?

Has anybody seen my mouse?

I opened his box for half a minute,
Just to make sure he was really in it,
And while I was looking, he jumped outside!
I tried to catch him, I tried, I tried. .
I think he's somewhere about the house.
Has anyone seen my mouse?

Uncle John, have you seen my mouse?

Just a small sort of mouse, a dear little brown one,
He came from the country, he wasn't a town one,
So he'll feel all lonely in a London street;
Why, what could he possibly find to eat?
He must be somewhere. I'll ask Aunt Rose:
Have you seen a mouse with a woffelly nose?
He's just got out. .

Hasn't anybody seen my mouse?

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Has Anybody Seen My Mouse?



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