Song Video
I was sittin' on my fencepost
playin' with my yo-yo, do-whap, do-whap
And along came Herman the Worm
And he was this big
And I said "Herman, what happened?"
And he said "I swallowed a bug".
Start from the first verse again. .
Herman continues to get bigger and bigger as he eats larger animals each time.
The end:
I was sittin' on my fencepost
Chewing my bubblegum
When along came Herman the Worm
And he was this big (goes back to being small again)
And I said "Herman, what happened?"
And he said "I burped".
Information About Herman the Worm
Herman the Worm is a children's song that incorporates nonsense and learning about growth, animals, and bugs.
This is a very popular children's song that can be sang on road trips, bus trips, and even around the camp fire on camping trips.
This song is easy to learn and fun for the whole family.
As this song progresses, Herman's size gets bigger and bigger as he begins to eat everything around him.
In the lyrics "Playin' with my yo yo", children should pretend to play with a yo yo to go along with the song. This could also be a way to begin a lesson about yo yo's. Perhaps the teacher or parents can show children how to use a yo yo and how to do tricks with it, etc.
In the lyrics, "he was thiiiiiis big", children should use their arms and hands to show a few inches apart.
During the song, Herman gets fatter and fatter because of everything that he has eaten. Children can pretend that they are fat and hold their bellies and roll around as if they are Herman the Worm.
At the end of the song, when Herman burps, the children can burp as well and go back to their normal size just like Herman.
This song can be used as a lesson to teach children about growth and bugs. The teacher or parents can show pictures of worms and bugs and tell children the differences in them all.
Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs
Herman eats other things in this version
Sitting on a fence post chewing my bubble gum
Swinging my yo yo.
And along comes Herman the Worm
I said Herman what happen
He said I ate my brother.
Sitting on a fence post chewing my bubble gum
Swinging my yo yo.
And along comes Herman the Worm
I said Herman what happen
He said I ate my sister.
Sitting on a fence post chewing my bubble gum
Swinging my yo yo.
And along comes Herman the Worm
I said Herman what happen
He said I ate my mom.
Sitting on a fence post chewing my bubble gum
Swinging my yo yo.
And along comes Herman the Worm
I said Herman what happen
He said I ate my dad.
Sitting on a fence post chewing my bubble gum
Swinging my yo yo.
And along comes Herman the Worm
I said Herman what happen
He said I BURPED!!!