I Can Put My Clothes On By Myself

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I Can Put My Clothes On By Myself

I can put my clothes on by myself;
I don't need help from anyone.
I go through my drawer,
And choose what I adore,
Then proudly check the mirror when I'm done.
So what if both my socks are not the same;
I like getting dressed when I can choose.
If one sock is white and red,
and one is blue instead,
My feet will still stay warm inside my shoes.
And when I wear orange pants with my green cap,
You may think they clash with my pink shirt.
But I might have a style,
That helps the world to smile,
And surely you'll agree that cannot hurt.
Oh, I can put my clothes on by myself!
I don't need help from mom or dad.
It takes more time I know,
Right now I'm kind of slow,
But taking time is really not so bad.
'Tho I can't tie my shoes like brother can,
It won't be long 'til I can do it too.
'Tho I'm just learnin' how,
I have no problem now,
My velcro shoes will do just fine, thank you!
So what if I wear winter clothes in spring;
I'll just throw some off if I get hot.
Who cares if I'm not dressed
the same as all the rest;
On my block I'm still the proudest tot.
I can put my clothes on by myself;
I don't need help from anyone.
I go through my drawer,
And choose what I adore,
Then proudly check the mirror when I'm done!
Yes, I can put my clothes on by myself!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. I Can Put My Clothes On By Myself



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