I Had A Little Doggy

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I Had A Little Doggy

I had a little doggy that used to sit and beg,
But Doggy tumbled down the stairs and broke his little leg.

Oh, Doggy, I will nurse you, and try to make you well,
And you shall have a collar with a little silver bell.

Ah, Doggy, don't you think that you should very faithful be
For having such a loving friend to comfort you as me?

And when your leg is better, and you can run and play,
We'll have a scamper in the fields and see them making hay.

But, Doggy, you must promise (and mind your word you keep)
Not once to tease the little lambs, or run among the sheep.

And then the little yellow chicks that play upon the grass,
You must not even wag your tail to scare them as you pass.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. I Had A Little Doggy



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