In Whatever Time We Have

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In Whatever Time We Have

In whatever time we have
For as long as we are living
We can face whatever comes
If we face it now as one
I could make it on my own
Now I know that I don't have to
No one really wants to be alone
In whatever time we have.

In whatever time we have
After all this time without you
It's not easy to be sure
It's not easy to believe.

All we know for sure is this
Though the world could end tomorrow
You and I will be together
In whatever time we have.

We know life can be a battlefield
But we won't run
And we won't heel
You'll be my fortress
And I will be your shield
No one really wants to be alone
In whatever time we have.

If at times we are afraid
With so little to believe in
It's alright to feel afraid
I will hold you in the dark.

We could live a hundred years
Or the world could end tomorrow
But we know we'll be together
In whatever time.

From this day forward nights won't seem so black
From this day forward we will never look back
In whatever time we have
We will make the most of time
And at least we'll be together
In whatever time we have.

This song has been printed from the website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. In Whatever Time We Have

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