It aint gonna rain no more

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It aint gonna rain no more

It aint gonna rain no more no more,
It aint gonna rain no more,
How the heck can the old folks tell
That it aint gonna rain no more.

Oh! the night was dark and dreary,
The air was full of sleet,
The old man stood out in the storm,
His shoes were full of feet.

It aint gonna rain no more no more,
It aint gonna rain no more,
How the heck can the old folks tell
That it aint gonna rain no more.

A peanut sat on a railroad track
His heart was all a-flutter
A chooka train came round the bend,
TOOT TOOT Peanut butter.

It aint gonna rain no more no more,
It aint gonna rain no more,
How the heck can the old folks tell
That it aint gonna rain no more.

An old man lay down by a sewer
And by a sewer he died.
Now, at the coroner's request,
They called it sewer-side.

There's a gal up in the hills,
She's awfully shy and meek,
She undresses in the dark
Because the mountains peak.

It aint gonna rain no more no more,
It aint gonna rain no more,
How the heck can the old folks tell
That it aint gonna rain no more.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. It aint gonna rain no more

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