It Was On A Starry Night

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It Was On A Starry Night

It was on a starry night
When the hills were bright,
Earth lay sleeping, sleeping calm and still.
Then in a cattle shed,
In a manger bed,
A boy was born, King of all the world.

And all the angels sang for Him,
The bells of heaven rang for Him,
For a boy was born, King of all the world.
And all the angels sang for Him,
The bells of heaven rang for Him,
For a boy was born, King of all the world.

Soon the shepherds came that way
Where the baby lay
And were kneeling, kneeling by His side.
And their hearts believed again
For the peace of men,
For a boy was born, King of all the world.

Information About It Was On A Starry Night

It was on a starry night is a Christmas carol originally written by Joy Webb. She was a member of the Joy Strings, a 1960's Salvation Army music group.

The song was first released in 1964 and peaked on the United Kingdom music chart at number 34.

Since then, the song is regularly performed by choirs and music groups all around the world, especially during Christmas.

The lyrics typically refer to the happenings of Christmas day. "It was on a starry night when the hills were bright, Earth lay sleeping, sleeping calm and still. Then in a cattle shed, in a manger bed a boy was born, king of the entire world".

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