John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

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John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt,
His name is my name too.

Whenever we go out,
The people always shout,
There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.

Information About John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

This is a traditional children's song with an obscure origin, although it is believed that the song originated in the United States. Both the name Schmidt and the suffix Heimer are historically German. The song may be paying homage to the longer last names that can commonly be found in the German language. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt shows that a section of young English speakers, even today, find some northern European names to be funny sounding.

During boys or girls scout excursions or young children's communal outings this song is often sung. In Pennsylvania the song is a classic informal parade song. Each time a verse is sung, it is softer than the previous verse. The volume starts extremely loud and ends at just above a whisper. The melody for John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt has ties to Vaudeville. The Vaudeville genre was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Similar songs to John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt existed around the same time, but have since faded in popularity.

There is no record of an actual person named John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt is featured in many films including I Am Sam, RocketMan, In The Arm Now and To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar.

More information about John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt may be found on Wikipedia.

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  2. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

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