Keemo Kymo

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Keemo Kymo

There was a frog lived in a spring
Sing song kitty catch-a ky-mee-oh
He could dance and he could sing
Sing song kitty catcha kymee-oh.

Keemo kymo dayro dime
Hey, ho, subble bubble sipso
Periwinkle soapfat, pennywinkle nip cat
Kitty catcha kymee-oh.

Oh, what you gonna do when the rain don't fall?
Sing song kitty catcha kymee-oh
Crops grow small instead of tall
Sing song kitty catcha kymee-oh.

Keemo kymo dayro dime
Hey, ho, subble bubble sipso
Periwinkle soapfat, pennywinkle nip cat
Kitty catcha kymee-oh.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Keemo Kymo

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