Let's Go to the Zoo

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Let's Go to the Zoo

Stomp like elephants! [Stomp your feet. Elephant gesture.]
Let's go [Make "L" shapes with your index fingers and thumbs and extend them forward from your chest.]
to the zoo. [Draw a "Z" in the air.]
And stomp like the elephants do. [Stomp your feet. Elephant gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And stomp like the elephants do.
[Stomp around the room like elephants.]

Jump like kangaroos. [Kangaroo gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And jump like the kangaroos do. [Kangaroo gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And jump like the kangaroos do.
[Jump around the room like kangaroos.]
Swing like monkeys. [Monkey gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.

And swing like the monkeys do. [Pretend to swing from a tree. Monkey gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And swing like the monkeys do.
[Swing around the room like monkeys.]
Waddle like penguins. [Penguin gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.

And waddle like the penguins do. [Penguin gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And waddle like the penguins do.
[Waddle around the room like penguins.]

Slither like snakes. [Snake gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do. [Snake gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do.
[Slither around the room like snakes.]

Swim like polar bears. [Polar bear gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do. [Polar bear gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do.
[Swim around the room like polar bears.]
Let's go to the zoo.

And dance like the animals do. [Do a silly dance!]
Let's go to the zoo.
And dance like the animals do. ]

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Let's Go to the Zoo



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