My Older Brother Bob

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My Older Brother Bob

My older brother Bob
is an enormous slob.
He leaves his underwear
all scattered here and there.
You really could fill up
a giant garbage truck
with all the food he drops
and spills and drips and plops.
His socks stink up his room.
They'd cause a skunk to swoon.
He leaves them in a mound—
the flies all buzz around.
I wish he would consent
to live inside a tent.
It wouldn't be that hard.
We'd keep it in the yard.
Ta-ra-ra boom-de-ay,
that day will come, I pray.
But till my brother's gone,
I'll keep my gas mask on!

But till my brother's gone,.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. My Older Brother Bob

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