Ol' Mr Johhny Leveque

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Ol' Mr Johhny Leveque

Ol' Mr Johnny Leveque
How could you be so mean,
I told you you'd be sorry for inventing that machine,
now all the neighbors cats and dogs will never more be seen,
for they'll be ground in sausages in that ol' sausage machine!

One day the darn thing busted, the darn thing wouoldn't go,
so Johnny Leveque climbed inside to see what made it so,
his wife she had a nightmare, came walking in her sleep,
she gave the crank a heck of a yank and Johnny Leveque was meat!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Ol' Mr Johhny Leveque



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