Old Mother Goose

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Old Mother Goose

Old Mother Goose,
When she wanted to wander,
Would ride through the air
On a very fine gander.

Old Father Gander
When the wind was fast and loose
Would ride through the air
On a very fine goose.

Information About Old Mother Goose

The Mother Goose rhymes can be traced as far back as the 1600's. Most of the rhymes can be compared with the witch-hunts that were rampant in Europe during that era.

For instance, "Would Fly Through The air", can be interpreted to witches being able to fly. Despite its dark original meaning, the Mother Goose rhymes are still popular children rhymes today.

The first known publication of Old Mother Goose can be traced back to 1650, by Jean Loret, from France. However, the most famous Mother Goose publication is by Charles Perrault, in 1697.

Since then, there have been numerous publications, with the most recent in 1958.

Old Mother Goose is a rhyme from the Mother Goose collection, others which include "Rock a bye Baby".

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Old Mother Goose



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