On A Cool Evening In May

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On A Cool Evening In May

On a cool evening in May
I took my horse and went for a ride
In the highest mountains
Where my brunette used to stroll.

And I saw her pick a rose,
And I saw her pick a carnation,
And I told her, pretty gardener,
Would you give me a rose?
Would you give me a carnation?

And she told me, very shrewdly and gallantly,
I'll give them to you at once,
If you'll swear to me you've never held
Flowers from another woman.

I swear to you you're the first one
From whom I hope to pick flowers
Then, pretty gardener,
Would you give me a rose?
Would you give me a carnation?

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. On A Cool Evening In May



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