Once an Austrian Went Yodeling

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Once an Austrian Went Yodeling

Once an Austrian Went Yodeling on a mountaintop high
When along came a cuckoo interruptig his cry
Ho-li-a, ho-li-a-hee-hee-a
Ho-li-a-cuckoo, cuckoo
Ho-li-a, ho-li-a-hee-hee-a
Ho-li-a-cuckoo, cuckoo
Ho-li-a, ho-li-a-hee-hee-a
Ho-li-a-cuckoo, cuckoo
Ho-li-a-hee-hee-a ho.

Once an Austrian Went Yodeling on a mountaintop high
When along came a grizzly bear interrupting his cry
Ho-li-a, ho-li-a-hee-hee-a
Ho-li-a-cuckoo, cuckoo, rawr!
Ho-li-a, ho-li-a-hee-hee-a
Ho-li-a-cuckoo, cuckoo, rawr!
Ho-li-a, ho-li-a-hee-hee-a
Ho-li-a-cuckoo, cuckoo, rawr!
Ho-li-a-hee-hee-a ho.

When along came an avalanche, interrupting his cry
Ho-li-a, ho-li-a-hee-hee-a
Ho-li-a cuckoo, cuckoo, rawr!, swish!

When along came an anteater, interrupting his cry
Ho-li-a, ho-li-a-hee-hee-a
Ho-li-a cuckoo, cuckoo, rawr!, swish! zot!

When along came a snowman, interrupting his cry
Ho-li-a, ho-li-a-hee-hee-a
Ho-li-a cuckoo, cuckoo, rawr!, swish! zot! brrr!

When along came a bluebird, interrupting his cry
Ho-li-a, ho-li-a-hee-hee-a
Ho-li-a cuckoo, cuckoo, rawr!, swish! zot! brr! cheep, cheep.

You can make motions if you like - keeps the kids' interest
rawr! like a charging bear
swish! like an avalanche sweeping you away
zot! like an anteater's tongue shooting out
brr! hugging yourself like you're cold
Cheep, cheek - fingers like you're making quote marks.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Once an Austrian Went Yodeling



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