One Finger One Thumb

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Song Video


One Finger One Thumb

One finger, one thumb
keep moving.
One finger, one thumb
keep moving.
We all stay merry and bright.

One finger, one thumb, one arm,
keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one arm,
keep moving.
We all stay merry and bright.

One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg,
keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg,
keep moving.
We all stay merry and bright.

One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg,
stand up sit down,
keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg,
stand up sit down,
keep moving.
We all stay merry and bright.

Information About One Finger One Thumb

This song is a very popular English nursery rhyme.

This song was made popular with children, teachers, and parents by the Wiggles.

This song is perfect for teaching children how to count and teaching them about parts of the body.

While they are doing so, they can sing parts of the song that relates that part of the body.

The words "finger" and "thumb" can be changed out to show the different body parts. This will be a great way to segue into a new lesson. Many body parts can be used in order to show the children many of them.

A counting lesson can be used out of this song as well because teachers and parents can start with one and if they want to continue onto two to five (to show fingers and toes), and help children to learn their numbers.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

You can add a Nod of the head in this version

One finger one thumb one arm one leg one nod of the head keep moving
One finger one thumb one arm one leg one nod of the head keep moving
One finger one thumb one arm one leg one nod of the head keep moving
we'll all be merry and bright.

This is a version that will have you repeat the words

One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving
We'll all be merry and bright

One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, keep moving
We'll all be merry and bright

One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg, keep moving
We'll all be merry and bright

One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, keep moving
We'll all be merry and bright.

One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, sit down, stand up, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, sit down, stand up, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, sit down, stand up, keep moving
We'll all be merry and bright.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. One Finger One Thumb

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