You're a Pink Toothbrush, I'm a Blue Toothbrush

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You're a Pink Toothbrush, I'm a Blue Toothbrush

You're a pink toothbrush, I'm a blue toothbrush
Have we met somewhere before?
You're a pink toothbrush and I think toothbrush
That we met by the bathroom door.
Glad to meet toothbrush, such a sweet toothbrush
How you thrill me through and through
Dont be hard toothbrush on a soft toothbrush
'Cause I cant help loving you.

Every time I hear you whistle. ..
it makes my nylon bristle. .. .

You're a pink toothbrush, I'm a blue toothbrush
Won't you marry me in haste?
I'll be true toothbrush, just to you toothbrush
When we both use the same toothpaste.

Information About You're a Pink Toothbrush, I'm a Blue Toothbrush

You're a pink toothbrush, I'm a blue toothbrush is a kids' song first made famous by English actor, comedian, singer and variety performer Max Bygraves.

It is somewhat of a love story - pink toothbrush meets blue toothbrush in the bathroom, they fall in love, get married and share toothpaste happily ever after.

After singing this lovely little song with a children's choir in 1959 (the set up involved Bygraves acting as a teacher teaching the song to a class of children), Bygraves released the track as part of the 'Unforgettable Bygraves' album in 1960.

Reappearing on several later albums by Max Bygraves, the toothbrush song also formed part of the Smurfs' album Smurfing Sing Song, which was released in 1980.

Who wrote You're a pink toothbrush, I'm a blue toothbrush is a little bit of a mystery. Some believe it was written by a writing team consisting of Harold Irving, Bob Halfin, Ralph Ruvin and Johnny Sheridan.

Others seem to think that music publisher and Northern Songs' co-founder Dick James penned these toothbrush lyrics sometime during his early career as a singer.

Whoever wrote it, it is still going strong today and is even available as a ringtone for mobile phones.

This song has been printed from the website.

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