Ring Merrily, Bells!

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Ring Merrily, Bells!

Oh, Christmas comes but once a year,
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!
And with it brings good hearty cheer;
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!
For years ago, upon this morn,
Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, was born.
Ring merrily, bells,
Ring merrily, bells,
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!

To shepherds, in those days of old,
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!
A heav'nly band the glad news told,
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!
In Bethlehem is born this day
A Babe who'll wash our sins away.
Ring merrily, bells,
Ring merrily, bells,
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!

This newborn Babe to children brings,
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!
A message from the King of Kings,
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!
"Comfort, Joy, Goodwill and Peace,
And on this earth may love increase!"
Ring merrily, bells,
Ring merrily, bells,
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!

So in the future, as in past,
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!
It will be, while this world shall last,
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!
That Christmas coming once a year,
Brings with it peace, and love, and cheer!
Ring merrily, bells,
Ring merrily, bells,
Ring merrily, bells, ding, dong!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Ring Merrily, Bells!



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