Rufus Rustis Johnson Brown

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Song Video


Rufus Rustis Johnson Brown

Rufus Rustis Johnson Brown
Whatca gonna do when the rain comes down?
Whatca gonna do and Whatcha gonna say if ya can't pay the rent 'til the rain goes away?
O you know and I know and everybody knows that you can't pay the rent
if you ain't got the dough o Rufus Rustis Johnson brown whatcha gonna do when the rain comes down?
C-that's the way it begins
H-that's the next letter in
I- you're in the middle of the word
C- you've already heard
K-now you're nearing the end
E-now you're rounding the bend
C-H-I-C-K-E-N o that's the way you spell Chicken.

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  2. Rufus Rustis Johnson Brown

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