Rumbly In My Tumbly

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Song Video


Rumbly In My Tumbly

Hum-dum dee-dum hum-dee dum-dum,
I'm so rumbly in my tumbly.
Time to munch an early luncheon,
Time for something sweet!
Oh, I wouldn't climb this tree
If a Pooh flew like a bee.
But I wouldn't be a bear then,
So I guess you wouldn't care then!

Bears love honey
And I'm a Pooh bear,
So I do care,
So I'll climb there.
I'm so rumbly in my tumbly,
Time for something sweet!

I don't need a pot of honey.
I'd be grateful for a platefull.
When I'm rumbly in my tumbly,
Then it's time to eat!
It's the tasteful thing to do,
Be it ten or twelve or two.
For anytime is food time
When you set your clock on Pooh time!

Bears love honey
And I'm a Pooh bear,
So I do care,
So I'll climb there.
I'm so rumbly in my tumbly,
Time for something sweet to eat!

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  2. Rumbly In My Tumbly

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