Speed Bump Blues

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Speed Bump Blues

You want to step on the gas
And go real fast
But that's a mistake
You'll have to hit the brakes
I think you've forgot
This is a parking lot
And the speed bumps say, take it slow.

I've got the speed bump blues
Oh I know you like to cruise
But you hit them so fast
They give me whiplash
And knock the radio right out of the dash
Oh, Momma hit the speed bumps slow
When you go
Oh, Daddy hit the speed bumps slow.

Now, I like to ride in my car seat
Looking at the world is quite a treat
But there's one thing I'd like to say
The parking lot is not the freeway.

I've got the speed bump blues
Oh I know you like to cruise
But you hit them so fast they give me whiplash
And knock the radio right out of the dash
Oh, Daddy hit the speed bumps slow
When you go
Oh, Momma hit the speed bumps slow
In a parking lot you should not
Try and scare the folks with their shopping carts
Take it easy and if you do
Then your kids won't say.

I've got the speed bump blues
Oh I know you like to cruise
But you hit 'em so fast
They give me whiplash
And you knock the radio right out of the dash
Daddy hit the speed bumps slow
When you go
Oh, Momma hit the speed bumps slow
When you go
Oh, Daddy hit the speed bumps slow.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Speed Bump Blues



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