Spider's Web

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Spider's Web

Down in the valley,
There is a mission
Down by the old oak tree
Down by the mission,
There is a fountain
Where my love told me:.

There's a web like a spider's web
Made of silver light and shadows
Spun by the moon in my room at night
It's a web made to catch a dream
Hold it tight 'til I awaken
As if to tell me my dream is all right.

On the evening
I was leaving
My love dreamed of me
I was sleeping,
She was weeping
When she said to me:.

There's a web like a spider's web
Made of silver light and shadows
Spun by the moon in my room at night
It's a web made to catch a dream
Hold it tight 'til I awaken
As if to tell me my dream is all right.

I met a stranger,
His name was Danger
We rode side by side
Way down in Santa Fe,
I killed a man they say
Danger told me, Ride!

There's a web like a spider's web
Made of silver light and shadows
Spun by the moon in my room at night
It's a web made to catch a dream
Hold it tight 'til I awaken
As if to tell me my dream is all right.

And now if I return,
They will hang me
High from the old oak tree
Down by the mission,
Down by the fountain
Where my love told me:.

There's a web like a spider's web
Made of silver light and shadows
Spun by the moon in my room at night
It's a web made to catch a dream
Hold it tight 'til I awaken
As if to tell me my dream is all right.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Spider's Web



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