Splish Splash

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Splish Splash

Splish, splash, Elmo took a little bath
Long about a Saturday night
A'rub-a-dub, just relaxing in his tub
Thinking everything was all right
Well, Elmo stepped out the tub
Put his feet on the floor
Then he wrapped a towel around him
And he opened the door
Splish, splash, Elmo got back in the bath
How was he to know there was a party going on.

They was a'splishing and a'splashing
Reeling with the feeling
Moving and a'grooving
Rocking and a'rolling

Ba-bing, bang, Elmo saw the whole gang
Dancing on his living-room rug
That's right
Flip-flop, they were doing the bop
Elmo's friends had the dancing bug
There was Prairie Dawn with Betty Lou
My word, Big Bird was even there too
Splish, splash, forget about the bath
Elmo went and put his dancing shoes on.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Splish Splash



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