Strut Miss Susie

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Strut Miss Susie

Strut Miss Susie (Suzie)
Strut Miss Susie (Suzie)
Strut Miss Susie (Suzie)
All the way home.

Here comes another one
Just like the other one
Here comes another one
All the way home.

Strut Miss Susie (Suzie)
Strut Miss Susie (Suzie)
Strut Miss Susie (Suzie)
All the way home.

Here comes another one
Just like the other one
Here comes another one
All the way home.

Information About Strut Miss Susie

The girls got in 2 lines, facing each other. As the song was sung, the girl on each end would strut or walk funny/silly down the line and take her place at the head of the line. This continued until all of the girls had "strutted" down the line.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Strut Miss Susie

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