Take Me Out of the Bathtub

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Take Me Out of the Bathtub

Take me out of the bathtub
Take me out of the suds
I've been here soaking since half past two
I feel so sudsy and wrinkle-y, too
Oh, I washed all over my body
My head, my toes, in between
I used one, two, three bars of soap
Take me out... I'm clean!

Take me out of the bathtub
I'm stuck here with my toys
Dump trucks and squirters I think are great
But I better take of my ro-o-ller skates
'Cause each time I get up I wobble
I hold on, but it's a pain
I tried once, twice, three times to stand
Better get a crane!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Take Me Out of the Bathtub



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