Ten Green Bottles

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Ten Green Bottles

Ten green bottles sitting on a wall
If one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There will be nine green bottles hanging on the wall.

Nine green bottles sitting on a wall
If one green bottle should accidentally fall
There will be eight green bottles hanging on the wall.

Eight green bottles sitting on a wall
If one green bottle should accidentally fall
There will be seven green bottles hanging on the wall.

Seven green bottles sitting on a wall
If one green bottle should accidentally fall
There will be six green bottles hanging on the wall.

Six green bottles sitting on a wall
If one green bottle should accidentally fall
There will be five green bottles hanging on the wall.

Five green bottles sitting on a wall
If one green bottle should accidentally fall
There will be four green bottles hanging on the wall.

Four green bottles sitting on a wall
If one green bottle should accidentally fall
There will be three green bottles hanging on the wall.

Three green bottles sitting on a wall
If one green bottle should accidentally fall
There will be two green bottles hanging on the wall.

Two green bottles sitting on a wall
If one green bottle should accidentally fall
There will be one green bottle sitting on the wall.

One green bottle sitting on a wall
If one green bottle should accidentally fall
There will be no green bottles sitting on the wall
There are no green bottles sitting on the wall.

Information About Ten Green Bottles

Of course, this song is also known as "10 Green Bottles"

"10 Green Bottles" The song is a popular children's song and very easy to remember the words. This song is a repetitive song where each of the verse is repeated, every time with one green bottle less. There are variants with the bottles standing or hanging instead of sitting. "10 Green Bottles"

There is also a French variation on the song by Jacques Brel called Les Moutons or The Sheep from 1961.


This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Ten Green Bottles



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