The Coffee At Camp

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The Coffee At Camp

The coffee at camp
They say is mighty fine,
It's good for cuts and bruises,
And it tastes like iodine.

I don't want no more of arny life
Gee, but I want to go home.

The biscuits that they give you
They say are mighty fine
One rolled off the table
And it killed a pal of mine.

The chickens that they give you
They say are mighty fine
One jumped off the table
And it started marking time.

The details that they give you
They say are mighty fine
The garbage that we pick up
They feed us all the time.

The clothes that they give you
They say are mighty fine
But me and my buddy
Can both fit into mine.

The women in the service club
They say are mighty fine
But most are over ninety
And the rest are under nine.

The treat us all like monkeys
And make us stand in line
They give you fifty dollars
And take back forty-nine.

sing chorus between each verse and at the end.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. The Coffee At Camp

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