The Little Tortoise

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The Little Tortoise

The tortoise is in the water,
she lives in and out of the water,
look how she swims, swims,
in order to leave the beach.

She goes slowly, on her way,
with the weight of her cloak
yellow, silver-green
it is so hard to walk.

One, two, three, four,
the tortoise is going.

One, two, three, four,
leave her to her way.

One, two, three, four,
the tortoise now is gone.

One, two, three, four,
I will follow her another time.

The poor tortoise
neither nibbles nor eats,
and has her nest
on the green shore.

One, two, three, four,
the tortoise is going.

One, two, three, four,
leave her to her way.

The tortoise already in her nest
had four little tortoises,
and the four have left
dragging their little feet.

They have gone to the water to swim,
poor little innocents,
oh! that the river, with its current,
may carry them to the sea.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

This is the Spanish version of the song

La tortuga está en el agua,
vive dentro, vive fuera,
mira cómo nada, nada,
para salir de la arena.

Va despacito, con su compás,
con el peso de su capa
amarilla, verde plata,
ya es trabajo caminar.

Un, dos, tres, cuatro,
la tortuga ya se va.

Un, dos, tres, cuatro,
déjala con su compás.

Un, dos, tres, cuatro,
la tortuga ya se fue.

Un, dos, tres, cuatro,
otra vez la alcanzaré.

La pobre tortuga
ni pica ni muerde,
y tiene su nido
por la orilla verde.

Un, dos, tres, cuatro,
la tortuga ya se va.

Un, dos, tres, cuatro,
déjala con su compás.

La tortuga ya en su nido
tuvo cuatro tortuguitas,
y las cuatro se han salido
arrastrando sus patitas.

Se van al agua para nadar,
pobrecitas inocentes,
¡ay, que el río, en su corriente,
se las lleva hacia la mar.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. The Little Tortoise

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